A mobile app that allows operators to control quadcopters in real-time

The BioHac app serves as a personal assistant to help you achieve your desired level of physical fitness and maintain it. It provides personal training for building muscle, calculates your activity levels, and creates a nutrition plan based on your body parameters — all from your smartphone.
To minimize development time and ensure ease of scaling and support in the future, we used ReactNative as the basis of development. This allowed us to create a cross-platform solution for Android and iOS devices.
One technical challenge we faced was avoiding the need to develop a server side and rent hosting. To address this, we integrated the app with Yandex.Disk, a cloud storage service, which allowed us to manage app content by changing the content in the cloud. This solution solved both the lack of a server side and the need for an admin panel.
When designing the user interface, we created different UX layouts for mobile phones with different screen formats. This was necessary because screen sizes for iPhone 6-8 and iPhone 10-12 are fundamentally different. By exploiting each screen format's unique features, we created a unique user experience. We also integrated the app with a line of smartwatches to collect advanced data on user physical activity and improve our system of recommendations and weight loss.
BioHac app is a powerful personal assistant for anyone looking to achieve their desired level of physical fitness and maintain it. With features such as personal training, activity level calculation, nutrition planning, and integration with smartwatches, the app offers a comprehensive solution for users. The use of ReactNative for cross-platform development, cloud storage integration, and user interface design tailored to different screen formats all contribute to the app's ease of use and scalability. The BioHac app offers a promising solution for those seeking to improve their physical fitness.