Digital Student ID
Government service that automates student identification, replacing traditional paper student ID cards
Many organizations today seek to automate their internal workflow processes by implementing innovative solutions in their systems. We often encounter orders for such projects. The Moscow State University trade union approached us with such a request.
Any IT project begins with choosing the right tech stack. Having discussed all the product requirements with the client and evaluated the allocated budget, we jointly agreed that the platform is to be implemented on WordPress, which is by far the most popular and easily maintained CMS (content-management system). In Mid-July, we started directly developing the website, which needed to be ready before the school year could begin.
We had to implement an information platform for students and employees who are members of the trade union. One of the customer's requirements was to develop custom personal accounts for users and internal employees. For example, these accounts were needed for logging into the website and applying for membership cards. We also implemented an analytics system on the website that allows the trade union to keep statistics of their members.
At the moment, the platform developed by us is in active use, providing support to the trade union and simplifying the document management process.