Gazprom Neft PJSC Monitoring System
Case of development a modern personal account with which managers could control the loading and dispatch of goods

YodaFX is a large marketing company that develops expert advisors. Its representative asked us to implement the MLM platform for selling the company’s products to trading exchanges. So we started to implement our new project - the web application YodaFX.PRO.
One of the main requirements of the customer was the high speed of operation of the web application, so we decided to do the frontend on React as a framework for fast scaling of the client part. We chose Node.js to develop the server part, as this backend framework is today one of the most popular and easily supported.
An important step in the development of any service is the UX/UI design. So we had to solve the problem of how to make the website intuitive for users. As a result, together with our customer, we have come to a simple solution - to make the service interface similar to the standard interface of any social network, which is now common to almost everyone.
Implementation of the marketing part has become for us one of the most interesting tasks. The service provided a system of invitations on referral links, and the resulting logical tree should be displayed in the user’s profile. However, since the visual tree had a binary structure, only the last two guests were shown in the profile, and the rest of them went down the binary structure to fill the gaps.
Another feature of the project was the introduction of an internal currency for which users could make purchases or exchanges in the system. In order to implement the currency withdrawal option, we have integrated it with the Ethereum cryptocurrency. It was also necessary to provide additional security of users' funds, and for this purpose we decided to implement the storage of some information on the MetaMask platform.
So our team has implemented a complex MLM-platform with a complex marketing structure, optimizing the process of trading expert advisors in the company and, thus, contributing to business development.