Eurasia Delivery Service
Eurasia Delivery Service is an app for accurate monitoring of couriers

Have you ever tried to solve the gradient-patterned puzzle? Unlike other puzzle games, Hueme offers dynamic shimmering patterns that become more difficult with each level.
One of the most interesting technical challenges we faced was the creation of the UI design. We had to draw animated gradients generated in real-time, which required working with a GPU (graphics processing unit). We chose OpenGL as the image rendering tool because it allowed us to create complex graphics effects consisting of many components. We manually worked through 150 complex dynamic shaders for 150 levels.
After carefully designing the UX, we created a native Kotlin-based app for Android. We used colorless layouts to draw the UI, and once all the functionality was ready, we collaborated with professionals from the film industry to implement sound accompaniment.
We created a special atmosphere by assigning each mosaic its own melody. For example, game levels were created based on shots from famous movies, and recognizable soundtracks were chosen to help players dive into the world of their favorite movies.
We integrated Hueme with Google's Open GApps service so that player achievements are saved and synchronized with their Google account, preventing progress from being reset each time the app is closed.
Hueme offers several complex and dynamic graphical mosaics, coupled with music that is selected to precisely suit the atmosphere. It serves as a source of inspiration and entertainment for puzzle game lovers. Although our company is quite famous for creating new-age graphic editors like Shapical X (you can find a case on this here), creating a game based on meditative patterns and movie music was a pleasurable and creativity-boosting experience.